
Modern technology offers new options and ways in the field of energy transmission and life education, among other things. Therefore, a while ago at Life Center, we have introduced E.Online, or so-called online treatments, in both in audio and video format. This format has proved particularly appropriate and effective for those customers who are in a lack of time, as they can be linked to the service from anywhere – from home, from office, abroad... In this way, it saves time on travel, avoiding stress on the road, and ultimately means saving money by cutting out the need to use transport to and from our premises. Our experience shows that the results in many cases are even better than if customers came to us, because online treatments are more involved in consciously and explicitly accepting energy. Afterall, the main purpose of all our services are the results. 

Treatments can take place individually or collectively. In an individual treatment, the client is given full attention by the instructor, thus the energy transmitted by the instructor works in a more focused way, leading to faster results. Clients are also typically more open in individual treatments, which can make it easier to discuss and solve pressing problems, which is of utmost importance for optimal results.  

In group treatment, the energy is slightly more dispersed. Customers can ask any question attached to their problem, their goal, or more general questions about the knowledge of life, about the principles of the effect, that energy has on any area of life – health, relationships, careers... The advantage of group treatment is the lecture of general knowledge, and many times, when replying to another’s query, the parties automatically receive an answer that’s relevant to their life, without having pinpointed the question themselves, then asking the question and perhaps overexposed themselves to the group for their liking. It's not uncommon, that a discussion of another's struggles raises awareness of the issue that we didn't even realise we had. 

The purpose of either treatment is to shine light and dissolve our blockages that prevent us from achieving desired goals. With the help of the treatment’s energy, each problem is solvable and each goal achievable – in all areas of your life. In the area of your health, in relationships, in the field of business and career, and so in all areas of your life. 

Online treatments are, also particularly useful at a time like this, when personal contact is limited and a visit to us impossible. We give you access to fresh life energy, which is absolutely necessary to get and maintain inner peace. Despite the time of crisis, you will keep and build the joy of life, concentration, clarity and the balance of your body, mind and spirit to firmly continue along the path to a bright future. You will gain the strength, knowledge and availability for a fresh boost in your life. You will transform a seemingly negative situation into an opportunity for a new beginning.